Going Global
.Knowledge and understanding of places 3.
 Pupils should be taught:
  1. to identify and describe what places are like [for example, in terms of weather, jobs]
  2. the location of places and environments they study and other significant places and environments [for example, places and environments in the news]
  3. to describe where places are [for example, in which region/country the places are, whether they are near rivers or hills, what the nearest towns or cities are]
  4. to explain why places are like they are [for example, in terms of weather conditions, local resources, historical development]
  5. to identify how and why places change [for example, through the closure of shops or building of new houses, through conservation projects] and how they may change in the future [for example, through an increase in traffic or an influx of tourists]
  6. to describe and explain how and why places are similar to and different from other places in the same country and elsewhere in the world [for example, comparing a village with a part of a city in the same country]
  7. to recognise how places fit within a wider geographical context [for example, as part of a bigger region or country] and are interdependent [for example, through the supply of goods, movements of people]. 

How to use website.

    The website can be used indivdually by children or as a whole class as part of a geography lesson. The resources page has homework and information sheets for pupils to learn independetly outside the classroom. The games page can also be used independently or as part of a starter or plenary to lessons. The E-Safety page provides information for all children to access and know in order to keep them safe on the internet.